For e-books, audiobooks, magazines, comics, movies, TV, and other digital content, click on the links below!
Welcome to Winterset Public Library’s virtual library! Explore the tabs, buttons, and links to discover the numerous free resources and downloadable items we offer online. Check out the calendar to discover entertaining and educational programs and events for all ages. If you do not find what you need here, our staff is pleased to assist you when you visit in person or you can call or send an email.

OverDrive has announced that their original app is being retired on April 30, 2023 in lieu of the Libby app.
Please use this link for help with the Libby app transition:
Latest Arrivals
Adventure Pass on Pause Effective December 31st
Because the software platform we use for managing reservations is now out of business, the Iowa Libraries Adventure Pass program will pause, effective December 31st.
The calendar is still open for new reservations thru December 31st. Reservations that were previously made for dates past December 31st will still be honored. However, new reservations are not being taken for dates after December 31st.
Iowans love their Adventure Pass, and we are striving to find a viable reservation software to have it up and running as soon as we can. This affects all participating libraries in the program.
Adventure Pass: What is it?
- A partnership between participating Iowa public libraries and museums, parks and other attractions.
- An avenue for libraries to expand access to knowledge, information and learning for their patrons through an online reservation system.
- A way for community partners to share what they have to offer with a broader audience.
- The Adventure Pass Program is funded by the Friends of Winterset Library.
- Learn more here!
Upcoming Events:
View more upcoming events on our Facebook page!
Ongoing Programs: